Yoga Sacred Ireland Online is a soulful resource offering a series of easy to follow Asana practice videos, capturing the spiritual energy of sacred Ireland. The earth and spirit of Eire is divine, the energy soulful.

These soulful yoga classes are about practicing the full expressions of the poses while encompassing therapeutic knowledge from yogic philosophies steeped in wisdom as ancient as Celtic Ireland herself.

Yoga Sacred Ireland has infused this soulful energy into the practice (especially in the outdoor classes). The videos are easy to follow Asana practices from one-on-one teaching, to the pure nature pranagizing class, suitable for all levels.

When life is bustling and busy, take a few minutes out and log on to a soulful practice and feel your body and mind benefit from just a few minutes of yoga!

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The spiritual meeting of ancient nature-loving Celts and the original Indian Yogis blend effortlessly together because they breathe easily beside one another.

Yoga Sacred Ireland Online continues to build a library of diverse yoga practices for all levels and all hearts, to share the sacred Irish energy with the world and the global yoga community.

Enjoy reconnecting to Nature through Yoga & Meditation!

Beautiful’s! a library of Yoga classes out of Ireland aim is to capture the Celtic spirituality and the sacredness of nature, which to me is yoga. We Celt’s in ancient times looked to the landscape of Eire to connect to the Divine, the Celt’s recognised the divine in the beauty of our Irish landscape, it anchored us spirituality, honouring all creation with a sense of wonder. The Celt’s, like the old yogi’s, understood the unending circle of life, no separation between the now life, the present moment and eternity, masculine and feminine, God and nature. Like the yogi’s they had prayers for everything, from the moment they arose and in the simple tasks of the day, there were prayers or mantras for the ordinary tasks of life. The Celts had a joyous way of looking at life and the sacredness of just being on the earth, and found meaning in everyday spirituality valuing nature, solitude and silence. They understood as we yogi’s do the interconnectedness of everything, no beginning no ends, a circle of life. Nature, simplicity breath was the bridge between the earth and the divine. Yogi’s and Celts are one of the same linking the wildness of our nature, harnessing it with the breath, the sacredness of the body, and the simplicity of living on this earth all as one. This is the essence, the inspiration behind the creation of We are constantly building a library of quality yoga teachings, instructionals for all levels, meditations spiritual talks, chants, mantras, poetry for savasana, for all hearts, all abilities, celts, indians and indeed all humans at all stages of life, aiming for us to become free light beings, to become who we really are, to value the ordinary simple use of the breath and body, to quench the thirst and satisfy the hunger from thinking we are separate, and to see we feel whole and good and authentically feel the sweet joy of living.

Teresa Murphy